Wednesday 19 July 2017

Update: My Life

Hello everyone!
So I haven't wrote to y'all in a while and that is because of school, homework, friendship issues (making a blog post about that) and many other excuses that I cannot think of.
So how is my life?
My life is alright, my brain has recently,  come across that big word " Anxiety"
I am fine though. I haven't had a panic attack in a month!
My advice to anyone who suffers from anxiety is get help! Don't keep it secret.
If you live in the UK then contact Off the Record.
I was in a bad friendship group and if you're reading this then it's true. I'm glad I'm out of your friendship group. We were known for the 'bitchy, no-ones' and 'the people who kick people out of their group'.

Anyway, I'll fill in the boring fact file:

Favorite colour: orange, pink, blue, rose gold
food: pizza, chocolate, watermelon
youtuber: ricky dillon, shane dawson, alisha marie, sophdoesnails, dramaticmac,
singer: Ariana Grande

Bye xx

Friday 14 April 2017

Being Used? How to tell if you're being used.

Welcome to my blog!

So today I'm talking about being used and my experiences.
So first of all, what is being used and how can you tell if you're being used?
If you type in 'Being Used definition' in Google.

My Definition:

My experience with being used:

So I'm going to name this girl Zoe because I know no-one called Zoe. So I was Year six and this girl thought I was best friends with her crush Olly. So she came up to me and was like 'Hey! Olly is really good looking. Could you like tell him?' And as an awkward person I was, I said 'Yeah sure!! She always hung out with me and Olly, she was flirting with him and he was getting so annoyed so one day he made new friends and stopped hanging out with me and my friendship group. Now Zoe was a horrible person and she loved my friendship group because we were all awkward people who were really sensitive and would instantly show the reaction which entertained her!

We were stuck with her and Olly kept avoiding us because of her. She ditched us instantly after he avoided us. But that was her using us.

Now if you are getting used than here are some tips
Learn how to say "no". Don't make up excuses—give your reasons for not wanting something.

Ask for what you want. If everybody's going to the movies, and most people in the group want to see a particular movie, but you'd rather watch something else, speak up!

Have a wonderful day!

Saturday 4 March 2017

life,life and life in general

Hello readers,

So how has life been for me for the past year? Well if you are asking that question then amazing!thank you!!

Soo... Ava any updates in your boring life? No, not really... Except there's a lot of beef in my year which is very exciting. Also when you know half of your school. Lol I'm joking ok?

So, where have I been for the past year? Dead...from school. Year 7 was amazing I guess but Year 8 is dull and I'm almost in year 9, oh crap!! Almost 14... almost picking my gcses.

I feel like I will fail at my gcses because I cannot take so much information at a time!!
Should I take an IQ test?

21:06: This is hard and I'm not even started yet
21:07:I'm doing another one, Shapes are irrelevant anyway!!
21:08: I hate this
21:14: Guarentee, I'm gunna get 1%
21:15: 90% done 10% left
21:16 97%, 3% left

That took 10 minutes...waste of time.

Anyway, have a lovely day :)

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Trouble Maker

Hey guys!

It's catastrophe here!

So basically  theres this girl in year 9 who has more friends then you could ever expect. They all get on our bus sometimes and she sits next to them.

Me and my friend always moans about it but its just a joke.

Now a couple of months back this girl in my year had a massive go at this other girl and they were no longer best friends.
She suddenly started hanging out with us instead of these group of girls
They made up and now she ditched us three.

We were so mad but all a sudden she had a massive go at the year 9 girl.

It's really bad as my best friend went off with trouble Maker"

Bye guys :)

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Quick Update On Life

Hello Guys!

So my Google is playing up :(

So tomorrow is my birthday!

Quick Update:

So Desperate Rumour Spreader has now got to be friends with me, To Loud Girl and Thinks You so cool girl.

Oh well ;-;

To be honest, Blabby Mouth told MK 100 times


Wednesday 9 March 2016

Do you forgive and forget

Hello Guys/Girls,

So this week has been alright,

But I have a question for you guys:

Do you forgive and forget or do you keep things the same?

Because if you read last weeks post you would of realised that me and a friend have had a big fallen out and most people hate her right now.

But she told everyone she was pregnant so she could get more attention. Then she told my ex- best friends I was going to punch them.
I didn't realise this until a couple of hours later when they both questioned me about the comment.

I don't really know what to do because we've had a lot  of arguments in the pass and whenever someone has an argument with her (and it's her fault) she acts like she's the innocent one.

Most people don't like her because she's really rude and carries on arguments.

Anyway, less about me and more about you!

How are you guys?

Leave in the comment section below if this has ever affected you?

Love you guys x

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Dishonest Friends

Hey it's Catastrophe Online here!

Have you ever had that friend who always wants to cause drama?

I have and it hurts when she bases the drama on you.

I've had an argument with some friends before and then she goes up to them and starts telling them something personal that my mum sent me about them however she changes what my mum texted me to make it seem like I have told my mum.

Then a couple of weeks later she asks your group of friends (including me) if we all like each other (definetly not with each other)

But that causes drama!

Here is some advice for you guys:

1. Ignore everything she says: this also means ignore her nasty dms)
2. Don't give eye contact: this will lead to more arguments
3. If your still friends with that person drift away.
4. You haven't done anything for this to happen :)
5. Don't talk about it (this will make things feel a lot worse)

I hope this advice has helped you :)

Catastrophe Signing off